I was attracted to the Food for Life Cancer Prevention & Survival class series offered through Gilda’s Club.
Through the classes, I was impressed by the research on the health benefits of this diet. My health concerns include cancer and irritable bowel syndrome. I am the primary cook for my family of three, and the other two were open to giving the diet a try, so I dove into plants. The recipes provided by Jill were delicious!
Though I belong to a “gourmet” cooking group, I had much to learn about plant-based cooking. Tips like sautéing in broth rather than olive oil were helpful and essential. I knew nothing about seitan, amino acids, and nutritional yeast.
Now, five months since beginning the first classes, my whole family accepts our new diet. My husband only “needs” meat or eggs about once every two weeks or so. He has cut way back on drinking dairy milk. He even looks online for recipes he thinks he might like to cook for us! The health benefit for me has been a calm digestive system.
For the first time in 60 years, I don’t have a tummy ache most every day.

I’ll never go back to meat and dairy.