Our "Why"
Our passion is to come alongside others to offer education and support in adopting a whole food plant-based lifestyle.
We seek to journey together to better understand true nutrition in an effort to be free of unnecessary dietary rules. In so doing we can control and even reverse chronic disease and live full & restored lives.
Saving your life one bite at a time ™
From Rooted Green Clients!
I was planning my funeral, but now I'm planning for my future!
I enjoy cooking now more than ever!
Once I started, there was no looking back!
Rooted Green is on the
Exam Room Podcast!
We had the privilege to share our story with Chuck Carroll, the weight loss champion, on the Exam Room Podcast!
Our Services
Our services are geared around community - we are in this together!
Food for Life
About Us
After surviving a massive heart attack (100% blockage of the LAD - aka the "widow maker") at the age of 46, Joel, along with his wife Jill, made a 180 degree turn to a 100% healthier life by transitioning to a Whole Foods Plant-Based diet. The results spoke for themselves, and they've never looked back!
Both Jill and Joel have earned their Plant Based Nutrition Certificates through Cornell University, and Jill is also a licensed Food For Life instructor with The Physician's Committee For Responsible Medicine. We are excited to come alongside others in their health journeys to encourage and empower.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
~ Hippocrates

Contact Us
Our success is measured by your level of wellbeing. Get in touch today and find out how we can help set you on the path to better health.